ASLA Adapt (2021-23)
ASLA: Adapt is Northeastern University’s first organization centering urban landscape design. As an organization, we focus on research and themes related to landscape architecture, planning, environmental justice, coastal resiliency, and equity in design. The club was founded as a synergy of two national movements: the American Society of Landscape Architects, a large institution primarily serving professionals nationwide, and Adapt, a call by landscape architect Billy Fleming to radically reorganize and rethink the profession in response to the Green New Deal. Joining the leadership team in the fall 2021 academic semester, I contribute to research endeavors, design charrettes, newsletter programming, coordination and outreach (both within the School of Architecture and with the larger community of landscape architects in New England), event programming, fundraising, and collaboration with faculty members. I’m also the club representative on the BSLA’s executive committee and advocacy groups, as well as the School of Architecture Advisory Board representative looking to create accredited undergraduate and graduate landscape architecture programs at Northeastern. The collage below includes a matrix of our spring 2022 event programming, which included lectures, discussions, firm crawls, collaborations with the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum, and a trip to the Natick Community Organic Farm.